John Henry Asendorf in uniform The War Diary of John Henry Asendorf
The Story of a Pennsylvania Volunteer during the Spanish-American War in the Philippines and the Philippine American War

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30 31
Thursday Jan 19/99
It has raigned all day and the Weather is verry sultry there isnt any change of the situation we have 7 men on Guard and 11 Men on Outpost duty and our regular drills I worked at headquarter until 4 pm the "Amerikan" renews her assault on the German Firms stronger then ever wich causes a good deal of Excitment the Consul General give them a Warning Lt Howard is still confined to his Room 4 men are on the sick List
Friday Jan 20/99
This has been a most beautifull day we goe through regular drills have 7 men on Guard and 11 on Outpost I worked at Headquarters all day this being regular Issue day this time we have to doe without Potatoes none on Hand but we recieve some Salt Macrel and Cod Fish many arrest are made this day and several where shot the "Amerikan" was not pupliched today by Order of General Ottis who personaly invested in to the alleged charges
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