John Henry Asendorf in uniform The War Diary of John Henry Asendorf
The Story of a Pennsylvania Volunteer during the Spanish-American War in the Philippines and the Philippine American War

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Aug 28/98 Sunday
This has being a beautifull day all the Boys attended Service at the Opera House and some went to the catolic services this day we had no Drill but Dressparade Fox Hustead Baird christopher Sullivan Lewis Jannewin and Burke are on the Sick List

Aug 29/98 Monday
It has being raignen all evening therfor no drill in the afternon we signed the payroll the old Native
Lady opened up a Book account and the Boys promise to pay her pay day Fox Hustead christopher Sullivan Lewis Jennwine Burke Collins C are on the Sick List

Aug 30/98 Tuesday
This is lovely day and not so verry warm we are doing Guard Duty at the prison 19 of the political prisoner are relieved much to their Joy but this is only the beginning of that Kind of work Hustead christopher Sullivan Lewis C.J. Jennwine Collins C. Harrison Max and Ciste are on the Sick List
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